Welcome to IDI


Innovative Development Initiative (IDI) is a National non-governmental organization registered with South Sudan Relief Rehabilitation Commission in 2016 with registration number 175. IDI is governed by 7 members of board and managed by professional staff and volunteers. IDI is member of South Sudan CSO networks, member of East and Horn Borderland CSO platform, Global Network Disaster Reduction (GNDR) and sector clusters. Innovative Development Initiative has Unique and robust relationship with major cross border partners- AU, IGAD, GIZ, UNDP ABC, Life and Peace Institute and Cross border CSOs that promotes networking and coordination in the Karamojong cluster corridors.  IDI currently has offices in Kapoeta North, Kapoeta South and Kapoeta East Counties. IDI is and has partnered with UNICEF, Justice Africa, GIZ, UNDP, IGAD, AUBP, and DT Global Shejeh Salam and Afia WASH USAID funded program. IDI works with communities, borderland communities and stakeholders to enhance environment of lasting peace and sustainable security for peaceful co-existence, improve sustainable Food and Livelihoods, support interventions for the improvement of livestock production and productivity, and support Climate Change Impact Action and Environment Conservation, increase enrolment of children in schools, health and personal hygiene and sanitation in Kapoeta counties, Eastern Equatoria and borderlands of Karamoja cluster- Lokichoggio-Nadapal-Narus-Lotimor-Nakwaatom corridors.
Innovative Development Initiative is implementing USAID Funded Program and with Unique Entity ID: YZR7WXY4B9Q8 to access USAID funded opportunities

IDI in details


To provide quality basic health and sanitation, GBV, and Education services to the most specified  communities in need and to strengthen peacebuilding and food security and livelihood initiatives for healthy, productive, self-reliant and peaceful communities and to strengthen technical capacities of national originations and the communities to promote sustainable development

Our Values

Respect, Accountability and transparency, Commitment, professionalism and Teamwork

Integrity and Professionalism

IDI shall adhere to its policies and ensure professionalism, ethical code, and truthfulness are maintained. IDI will also ensure professionalism is practised throughout to ensure the quality of work delivered. We act consistently with IDI’s mission, being honest and transparent in what we do and say and accepting responsibility for our collective and individual actions.

Governance and Stewardship

IDI promotes its policies and ensures transparency and Accountability are maintained at all levels of Management. In this value, IDI will always act timely in directing its resources and activities and handling administrative issues related to the Organization. We act responsibly to our environment by conserving and treating all resources that have been entrusted to us. The resources at our disposal are not our own. They are trusted by God through donors on behalf of the poor.


IDI works to support underserved communities in discovering and claiming their Social and economic needs


All members of IDI shall endeavour to promote the spirit of working as a team toward the realization of its vision, mission, goal and objectives.


We act in ways that respect the dignity, uniqueness and intrinsic worth of every person: the poor, donors, our staff and their families, board and volunteers. We celebrate the richness of diversity in human personality, culture and contribution.

Commitment &Inclusiveness

We work together effectively to serve our communities to meet their needs, and improve their health and productivity.
We practice and champion inclusiveness in our community. We honor the diverse strengths, needs, voices, and backgrounds of all members of our community

Project Execution

Between 2021 and 2024, in Partnership with GIZ -Support to African Union Border Programme, life and Peace Institute, and UNDP ABC,  Innovative Development Initiative has promoted Cross border peaceful co-existence, cross border and natural resources (grazing lands, water points) sharing between Toposa, Nyangatom of South Sudan and Turkana of Kenya at Kapoeta-Lokichoggio and through engagement of joint Community Sensitization Committee (Turkana County, Kenya and Eastern Equatoria State, South Sudan) has enhanced neighbourly relations and cross border cooperation between South Sudan and Kenya. Hence, IDI has experience in working in Lokichoggio- Kapoera corridor.

Our Partners

IDI works with communities and border communities and stakeholders to enhance an environment of lasting peace and sustainable security for peaceful co-existence, improve sustainable Food and Livelihoods, support interventions for the improvement of livestock production and productivity, and support Climate Change Impact Action and environmental conservation, support women and youth empowerment, strengthen capacity of County Education Department, PTAs, School management committees and Boma Community Education Committees to enhance enrolment of children, Girl Child and children with disability Education in Kapoeta counties, Eastern Equatoria, South Sudan and borderlands of Karamoja cluster corridors.

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